Monday, June 02, 2008


"it's not you, it's me."
or so the saying goes.

i finally got to see juno this weekend. after months of hearing good things and no premiere date in sight, it finally came out in taipei.
most of the time, i don't go to movies unless someone suggests it to me. i'm not sure why this is. also, english films are intolerably loud here. geez, if we weren't deaf before we started watching, we certainly are now!

i've gotta say that i expected more. of what, i'm not sure. it was sweet and enjoyable and awkward like teenage romance tends to be, but maybe i just wanted a more profound experience. or message.
i really liked the soundtrack, though.


KP said...

i felt the same way. i mean, it was cute and everything, but not so... realistic as i thought it might be. but you're right, the soundtrack is good :)

-Aaron- said...

Perhaps the movies are just louder than you remember? When K and i saw the new Indy movie i was plugging my ears a few times due to ridiculous loudness!

I liked Juno, but certainly not 'cause it had a grand message or anything--or was particularly realistic--but still it gets the idea across that teens get pregnant all the time, perhaps in a more readily comprehensible way than a more realistic movie would be (i'm thinking for parents of pregnant teens here). Maybe i just liked it. The end.

Still, i remember feeling annoyed by some of the lingo like they were trying to be the next Napoleon Dynamite or something--which I also think is good, although grossly overrated.