Wednesday, September 30, 2009


since it's tradition for me to find a song and post a corresponding blog each time it's my birthday, i suppose this year should be no exception. thankfully, this year, i didn't have to think too hard about it. the most appropriate song, unimaginative though it is to say this, is switchfoot's "twenty-four."

the thing is, this year, i had a birthday party with some good friends, a fantastic boyfriend, flatmates that i'm happy to be living with, enough money to get me through the night, mexican food, in prague, and not dreaming about how different my life could or will be once i make the necessary changes. i'm happy with my life and am pleased that all my choices, good and bad, have led me here.

i am far more fortunate than most.


Styx said...

!! So amazing to read someone write something in such manner these days :) not even necessary to wish happy b-day :) cheers

Nicole said...

It sounds like things are looking up for you and you are fortunate! The only thing that could make your life better is if I could see you more often! Can't wait for Christmas when you come visit :)